
firstmile.ca - Putting the 'last-mile' first: Re-framing Broadband Development in First Nations Communities

research.knet.ca - The Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak created the Research Institute (KORI) to develop a network of community researchers to conduct and promote priority research issues in their First Nation communities. KORI supports community-driven research through training and mentorship along with academic partners across Canada. The KO Research Institute's mandate is to change the way First Nation research is conducted within its sphere of influence so that the leadership has the information it needs to make decisions.

videocom.knet.ca - We have both research and outreach activities. Our research is exploring broadband communications in remote and rural First Nation communities in Canada. We are also exploring new ways to work together in participatory research when partners are separated by vast distances.VideoCom started in September 2006 and will be ongoing at least until September 2012.